Kerry Anderson

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Digital Asset Industry: BVI Rises to the Top, Offers a Balanced Regulatory Regime

Bitcoin’s recent surge in value, climbing from around US $21,000 per Bitcoin to over US $70,000 (currently circa US $69,000), has been a significant development. This, coupled with the introduction of mainstream ETFs in the U.S. and the discussions around…
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Chambers Global 2024 Recognises O’Neal Webster’s Dispute Resolution, Corporate, Finance and Funds Practices

We are delighted to share that O’Neal Webster has again been recognised in Chambers Global Guide 2024 for the British Virgin Islands jurisdiction in Dispute Resolution and Corporate & Finance, including Funds categories. Chambers rankings are a definitive mark of…
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New Annual Financial Return Filing for BVI Companies Commences 2024

Amendments to the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004, and BVI Business Companies Regulations, which took effect on January 1, 2023, require BVI companies to file an annual financial return (AFR) containing specified financial information. The filing must be made with…
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How to Save Your BVI Company From Insolvency

The world has witnessed the failure of several banks over the past months, starting with Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in the United States, followed by the collapse of the 167-year-old global firm Credit Suisse. These bank failures can…
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BVI Financial Services Commission Announces New Arrangement for Regulated Oversight

The BVI Financial Services Commission issued a press release on June 28, 2022, informing practitioners of a significant change to its internal structure. A new Authorisation and Supervision Division (ASD) will replace the current Investment Business, Insurance, and Banking, Insolvency…
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Sandbox_BVI Fintech Regulatory


BVI Launches Regulatory Sandbox for Fintech Sector On August 31, 2020, the Financial Services (Fintech Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations 2020 came into force, significantly enhancing the British Virgin Islands regulatory framework and providing room for innovation in the fintech sector. The…
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The Five Things Funds Managers Should Be Doing Now

THESE ARE TRYING TIMES. Social and economic systems on national and international levels have been disrupted to an unprecedented degree, while political and legal uncertainty also lurk. Not unlike other businesses, funds are considering what steps to take to maintain some…
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BVI FSC Extends Annual Licence Fee Payment Deadline for Certain Licensees

An important notice came from the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (the Commission) on March 23, 2020. The Commission acknowledged the possible business disruptions that the global pandemic COVID-19 may present for certain licensees in complying with the upcoming…
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O'Neal Webster-BVI Law- Road town on Tortola the capital of British Virgin islands

EU Upgrades BVI to Whitelist Status

BVI government welcomes whitelist status announcement. Blacklist expands to include 12 jurisdictions. On 18 February 2020, EU Finance Ministers updated the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, upgrading the British Virgin Islands to whitelist status, which designates the country as a fully…
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