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Protect Your BVI Business Company Assets

For years, the BVI Business Companies Act has provided an attractive and appropriate vehicle to hold property in the BVI and abroad, many finding it a particularly useful strategy in estate planning. But persons who neglect their BVI Business Company…

Alert: Extension of BVI CRS deadlines

The British  Virgin  Islands Government recently announced  the  extension of the 2017  deadlines  for  notification  and reporting obligations  under  the  Common  Reporting  Standard, or CRS. As a result, BVI financial institutions will now have until June 30, 2017 to register…

Jamaica’s Consumer Protection Laws

This Q&A excerpt from Christopher Simpson on Jamaica’s consumer protection laws was first published in the Dialogue’s “Latin America Financial Services Advisor,” April 5, 2017. Q: Jamaica’s government is planning to create a new financial services consumer protection agency. Finance…

Investment Fund Managers “Brexit” to the BVI

In the post-recession economy, investment managers are looking for increased flexibility and ways to maximise investor returns by minimising set up costs, government fees, and other related functionary and advisory costs. That is why many are now “Brexiting” to the…

Private trust companies: how to obtain the best of all worlds

By Christopher McKenzie, Partner, O’Neal Webster (UK) LLP (October 2016) Abstract This article considers why private trust companies are currently so popular, various structuring issues which those setting up private trust companies should take into consideration, and the private trust companies…

Onshore vs Offshore – is there really a battle?

Over the past few months the issue of offshore jurisdictions and the role they play in the global economy has come under extreme scrutiny, especially from onshore governments seeking to increase tax revenues. The recent Panama Papers Leak has only…