Salute to Robert Mathavious, CEO and Managing Director of BVI Financial Services Commission

Firm, News

The management and staff of O’Neal Webster take this opportunity to salute Mr. Robert Mathavious, who recently announced his intention to retire as head of the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission, effective December 31, 2020.

As CEO and Managing Director of the Commission for almost twenty years, Mr. Mathavious has successfully guided the Commission and the BVI Financial Services industry through some of the most challenging and turbulent times, stewarding the establishment and maintenance of a regulatory regime which has managed to keep pace with the ever evolving and most stringent international standards.

A true pioneer of the BVI Financial Services industry, Mr. Mathavious has devoted a lifetime of experience to the Territory’s public service, spanning some 35 years in total, holding various roles within the industry, including that of Financial Secretary and Director of Financial Services in the years preceding his appointment in 2002 as the Commission’s first Managing Director and CEO.

Industry practitioners and the Territory at large owe him a profound debt of gratitude for his extraordinary service, and we wish him God’s speed and all the very best as he looks forward to a brilliantly earned and well-deserved retirement.


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